Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Most recently Curly asked to learn about bridges...her Dad and Grandparents actually did most of the preschool time with her.  She must have learned something though, because everytime we drive over a bridge she says, "this is a car bridge."   Also, while at the beach a week later, every sandcastle we built had to have a drawbridge.

We all enjoyed these two fabulous books:
1.  Bridges are to Cross by Philemon Sturges Illustrated by Giles Laroche.
This book shows many famous bridges and explains how bridges purposes have varied throughout time--carrying water like the Acquedut of Segovia, keeping out invaders, or helping llamas and people over a steep mountain pass.

2.  The Bridge Book by Polly Carter Illustrated by Roy Doty
This book is cartoony in style but explains accurately for ages 4-8 the how and why of bridges.  It also highlights the different types of bridges like suspension, truss, girder, arch, cable-stayed, covered, cantilever, and drawbridge.

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