Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Letter W

The gathering activity was playing a "w" matching game.

Then we did our usual welcome song, calendar, and introduced the letter of the day.  I sang, "Oh where or where has the "W" gone or where or where could it be?"  The kids then looked all over and finally I gave them a clue by singing "Is it by a window or on the floor?"  They finally found it by the window.  We then practiced making the "w" sound.  We then did show and tell.  After that we talked about the weather and wind.   I like to then let them get a few wiggles out from sitting on their carpet square during circle time.  Some fun wiggle activities I had planned include, singing "The Wheels on the Bus" and the song "Walking, walking."  But we didn't end up doing the songs today because I forgot.  But we did do a fun creative dance where we were moving like the wind, blowing around whoosing, spinning, high and low, fast and slow, etc.

We then practiced writing on white boards.  First we just drew zigzags and then tried w's.  Apparently developmentally writing actual letters may be too much for most 3-4 year olds.  But drawing lines, circles, and zigzags is more appropriate (and fun!)

Then we headed upstairs for a fun restaurant role playing game, "Waitress, waitress" (or "Waiter, Waiter.") where the kids ordered various foods like waffles, watermelon, and water.  I had menus prepared and an apron for the kid playing the waiter/waitress to wear.  I was in the "kitchen" and would put the play food they ordered on the tray.  Then the waiter/waitress would come and get it and serve it to them.  But that made them hungry so we segued immediately into snacktime and now I was the pretend waitress.  I had different menus ready of their choices for snacktime.  It actually made snacktime easier letting each tell me exactly what they wanted upfront and then I quickly prepared each of their plates and passed them out.  They could choose from watermelon, strawberry wafers, Wheatables, and water.
After that we looked at books.  They quickly were able to find all the W's in print!

We read Whistle for Willie and then had free play time.  They came up with a fun group game of "Oh where or where has my watch dog gone" all on their own.  It involved the owner  trying to find his naughty puppies that kept running away.  They were really into it.  And even better they didn't make hardly any mess at all.  So I told them since we could skip clean up time, they could help me clean my windows!  They each divided into teams and washed windows (with water NOT actual Windex).  They took turns squirting and wiping.  While they wiped they said the w sound, "wah, wah, wah, wah, wah."

Then we read a book Waiting for Winter about a squirrel who's trying to figure out what snow is.  So we then got to play in our own white stuff.  I let them play and practice writing in white shaving cream.  It actually was a bit messier then anticipated, but quite fun.  Everyone definitely had to wash hands in warm water afterwards and some changed clothes as well.

We then had circle time again and review the sound the letter "w" makes and each kid remembered something starting with the letter "w."  I then reminded them of one more "w" word, wolf.  We did various big bad wolf activities including some dramatic play with finger puppets for Little Red Riding Hood and The Three Little Pigs.

Later when we were outside, we played our favorite game--colored eggs which also involves a big bad wolf.    We also practiced writing zigzags and letter W's again this time with sidewalk chalk.

Other W ideas include:
More water play--pouring, sensory table, etc.
Where the Wild Things Are --reading the story, making masks, etc.
Worms--wiggling like worms, digging for worms, studying worms, etc.
Wagon rides
Nursery rhyme: Wee Willie Winkie
Song: Whistle While You Work