Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Colored Eggs

This is one of the BEST games to play with a group of children.  Great to initiate if things aren't going well at a park playgroup.  You need at least 3-4 people to play the game. More then 10 kids can get confusing and/or boring with too much wait time.

One person is the "wolf". The other people line up next to each other at the home base, with the wolf facing them. They are all the eggs.  They huddle together and quietly decide what color they are going to be.  They also choose a family color.

The wolf then initiates the following dialogue:
Wolf:  Knock-knock.
Eggs:  Who's there?
Wolf:  The Big Bad Wolf.
Eggs:  What do you want?
Wolf:  Colored eggs.
Eggs:  What color?

The wolf then says a color. Whoever had "picked" that color then runs around a selected area (to the far oak tree in the yard and back to the line, for example), with the wolf giving chase.  If the wolf names the family color then everyone runs.

If the wolf catches the "egg" before they make it back to the home base, then that person becomes the wolf with the game starting over. If not, and all eggs make it back to line successfully, the eggs huddle and pick new colors and  the wolf then calls out the next color, etc.

NOTES:  You can vary this according to kids ages.  The colors chosen should be kept secret from the wolf when playing with older children, not as critical with younger ones.  You can also define which colors are allowed so that a precocious 8-year doesn't pick chartreuse trying to stump her younger brother.

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